"If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you" Nietzsche

Gnu Diving offers you a chance to dive in the crystal clear Salento's water to discover all the secrets of this wonderful area.

Santa Maria di Leuca "Salento's pearl"

Both the Ionic and Adriatic side offer wonderful divesites

"After the magical moment when my eyes opened to the sea, I was no longer able to see, think, and live as before" Jacques Cousteau

Dive with us in Salento and find out all the courses Gnu Diving can offer you

"The sea has no roads. The sea is without explanation." A. Baricco

Visit our photo and video gallery and enjoy the underwater world

"The sea has no country it belongs to all those who are listening" Verga

Contact the Gnu Diving's team to begin a thrilling experience to discover our divesites

Diving and courses

Technical diving

Technical diving

Trust our teaching method, the result of the experience of professional and competent deep divers
Recreational diving

Recreational diving

Pick among the many PADI Courses the GNU team offers you!
Emergency Courses

Emergency Courses

These courses help you gain a better understanding of dive medicine and how to respond to a dive emergency within your scope of practice. They all provide diving medical education using a language that can be easily understood by everybody.
HSA Diving

HSA Diving

(Italiano) L’attività subacquea e le persone con disabilità L’emozione di respirare sott’acqua in completa assenza di gravità e scoprire le meraviglie che il mondo sommerso riserva, sono esperienze uniche che la subacquea trasmette.
Discover Scuba Diving

Discover Scuba Diving

An exciting program that lets you try to dive to find out if you like it


Find out about our monthly offers and other activities to enjoy during your stay

Photo and video gallery

Enjoy the breathtaking pictures of our divers to uncover the Salento underwater world

Fill your sight with the beauty of theunderwater world, an universe without equals in nature

Enter our photo and video gallery e contribute to enrich it with your shots taken during the Gnu's dives

We protect our sea

Gnu Diving adheres to the program for protecting and monitoring the seas from plastic

All life deserves respect!